Time with God <3

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There was a time in my life where I felt like I was alone and everyone around me was against me. I felt as if I had no one to turn to, if I needed a shoulder to lean on or someone to confide in. During this time in my life I was still struggling with my walk in Christ ( I was fairly new) I wanted to keep on doing what I wanted to do vs being still and submitting to the unction of the Holy Spirit.  It took me awhile and when I say awhile I mean a few years to come to grips with what was really going on in  my life, except it and let God do what he wanted to do within me.  

When you're single (yes I'm going back to the topic of being single) it is very important to spend time with God. While you're single this is a crucial time to get as much of the word, prayer, and quality time as you can with God. Even when you get into a relationship you should still take time out with God, and love on him through prayer, reading/ and meditating on his word . It's also beneficial to have quality time in God with the person you're dating. Through your time of singleness  you may have some prospects who will approach you, and by spending time with God he will let you know if that person is the right one or the one that will waste your time. 

The Bible literally tells you about you, You can see who and what God has called you to be, what you are to do, how you are to conduct  yourself, how you are to speak, love, pray,  ect. There will come a time in your life where God has to get you and I alone with him. That could mean putting a wall up between you and things or  people who may  be a distraction for us such as friend's , family, boyfriends/ girlfriends ect. Especially if you are the type of person who can't stay still, who is always out with friends, out and about just living it up. Your basically pushing God to the side and not submitting the way he wants you and I to. God has a purpose and a plan for each and every single one us and in order for that to come to fruition we must be still and let him speak to us and hear the instructions that he is giving us. 

Reason's Why We Do Not Spend Time with God:

We don’t want to:

I don't think this needs any explanation. You've heard that saying "If we wanted to do it, we would do it". The word says that our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak ( Matthew 26:41). We may want to do the right thing but our flesh is saying No! I don't want to, and we 99.9% of the time listen to our flesh and let it have some kind of hold on us.

"It’s difficult": 

The thought of spending time in God's word can bring all kinds of emotions whether it be good or bad. Some of us are just straight up lazy and do not want to do our part at Christians and spend time in God's word. We can't expect God to move on our behalf and not play our part and do what he has commanded us to do!!!  Our flesh does not want to do anything that is good for our spirit. It could even be that we over think and over analyze it to the point where you think of it as WORK!!.

We don’t think it makes any difference to our lives:

We have the mind set of "We may not see a change in our lives in 24 hours" and sometimes that can be frustrating and discouraging. Trust and believe me the more you spend time with God you will see changes. It may not happen overnight but it will happen. Just be consistent and watch God move on your behalf.

We’re easily distracted:

Distractions are the number one reasons why a lot of people can't spend 5 minuets in the presence of God. When you are preparing yourself to spend time with God turn everything off from your phone, TV, computer , shut the door. If you have to put a sign on your bedroom door saying "DO NOT DISTURB!" The enemy will bring whatever distractions he can pull you away from the presence of God. Don't let him have control over you.

We forget we’re engaged in a spiritual battle:

The battles that we face every day aren't always in the natural where you can see it, sometimes ( well for the most part) it is in the spiritual realm where you have to warfare and rebuke demons and spirits. Sometimes we forget that and it's not a thought that everyday is a spiritual battle. Without the full armor of God (the word) we will not be able to stand and fight the fight that we come across spiritual.

We’re discouraged by past failures:

I  know personally that I've tried and failed new devotional habits more times than I can  remember. Each time I try to start again, there’s a part of me that thinks “You failed last time, what makes you think this time will be any better?”.Once you stop our devotions with God it can be a little difficult to get going again. Continue to have your devotional and if you do fall off track just try to pick up where you left off and do not be discouraged. God see's that you're trying. No one is perfect but the Father.

We don’t know how: 

I believe that many Christians struggle knowing what to do in this time. This might sound strange, but I think these are the kinds of questions a lot of us have:What should I read? How much should i read? How do I pray about what I read?  I know I for one think these things sometimes when I am having my devotions. I guess I'll let you guys into how I go about my quiet time with God.

First, I just all turn off all distractions . Then I have my  worship time not going to lie I love worship so this can go on for up to an hour or more, so how ever long you would like to have worship go right ahead. Second, I have my bible study time. The way that I do bible study is I go back over the teaching from church  or if the Lord lays something on my heart I focus on that . I have my pen and journal ready in case the Lord speaks something to my spirit. Third, After I get the word in me for about (15-20 minuets) I pray and that's, that. It may sound like a lot but it really isn't once in get in the groove of things.

How to spend time with God:

              Find a quiet place:

Finding a quiet place can be difficult especially with those of us who have many siblings, or have kids. Don't get discouraged for those of you that have no privacy one place i know you will have privacy is the Bathroom. Take your bible, some head phones and your music and if you have to pretend like your using the bathroom so be it, even if you have a car go to your car and sit in there for a few minuets get that time with God in any way you can.  Like they say desperate times call for desperate measures.

Have a set time & stick with it:

It's good to set a time of when and how long you are going to  spend in the word of God or just time with God in general. When you set a time your the one setting it so there should be no excuses of why you couldn't spend at least 10 minuets in the presence of God that day. If you are a new believer start off small  maybe 10-15 minuets .You don't have to feel like you have to spend 4 hours ( I mean unless the Holy Spirit leads you into 4 hours) but just take time out each day and give it to God.

Set The Atmosphere:

Setting the atmosphere is key to time with God. When the atmosphere is not set that where distraction and confusion come into place. One way that I get my atmosphere in place is by playing worship music. Worship is more intimate and sets the tone for God to come in and speak. Don't get me wrong Praise music is awesome as well but in my opinion I just feel that worship music just does something for the setting the tone.

Talk to God:

Talking to God can consist of you  praying or just actually to talking to God ( as if your talking to a friend). For example it's the end of the day and you had a rough day. You don't have to wait to get home, as your on your way home just start talking to God about whatever it is that you are dealing with and ask for his guidance. Make sure that when you go to God about certain things that you are not complaining. Philippians 2:14  says;- Do all things without murmurings and disputing: There have been times where I'm talking to God about something and before you know it I am praying. So conversations with God can always lead you into prayer which is another form of communication with God.

Make sure you have a Bible:

Having a bible present is really important this makes your time with God so precious. While you are reading God's word make sure that you have a notebook/journal present because God will speak to you and you will want to make sure that you take note to what he is saying.

Reasons why we should spend time with God:

  1. We can more easily find out what God wants for our lives
  2. We can refocus and get our mind off the world and worries around us
  3. We find it easier to worship Him
  4. We naturally become more like Him

and most importantly, the more time you spend with God, the more you will love Him!

Being alone with God, we draw closer to Him and get to know Him in a different way than we do in group settings.God desires “alone time” with us. He wants a personal relationship with us. God knows the intimate details of our lives, such as the number of hairs on our head. Without time alone with God, we will find some needs unmet; we will not truly know the abundant life He gives. Spending time alone with God rids our minds of distraction so that we can focus on Him and hear His Word. Abiding in Him, we enjoy the intimacy  which He calls and come to know Him.

Don't wait start today and spend some one on one time with God. Let Him know that you love him and want him more than life itself.

                                                     xoxo...God Bless


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