What are you Intentional about?
Being intentional is my word for 2020. I was having lunch with some friends last month and we were talking about what the Lord has spoken to us as far as Goals or what 2020 is going to be for us. As we were talking about what the Lord has been speaking to us for this year there was a common theme and that was being intentional. This year and even decade is very pivotal for myself and I am sure for others as well, where being intentional is key to your purpose and goals.
I have decided that this year I have to be consistent. Consistent with my spiritual life ( thats a given), consistent and even intentional about my relationships and friendships with others. Over these past few months even year and a half the Lord has been dealing with me concerning friendships/relationships. When it comes to forming a bond with someone we need to look deeper than commonality. Look for how do they make you feel? Do they uplift you? Tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear? One big thing for me was how do I feel when I leave their presence? Am I drained? Am I focused? Am I ready to take on my goals and push through? Do I feel empowered?
Be intention with whom you surround yourself with. I don't know what it is, I can't put my finger on it but this decade is going to be life changing, transforming, coming out of comfort zones, tests/challenges, loyalty, lots of prayer and seeking God for direction and wisdom. For many this year/ decade is going to show you why you went through the things you have been through in recent years and it could be time to birth your purpose or for God to unveil you and show the world what you're made of.
Psalm 31:20; Thou shalt hide them the secret of thy presence from the pride of man: thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.
Many of us even including myself have to be hidden. If we would have been revealed before time the world would have eaten us up. God had to protect us, shelter us and get us to a place where we depend solely on Him and Him alone. Not the praises of mens lips. God is to get all the glory in everything that we do.
Challenge: Whatever your working on music, writing a book, coming out with a clothing line, blogging, a public speaking, starting a business, artist etc, whatever your craft is write down why your mission what is your why? I am pretty sure behind our passion there is a purpose/mission/goal. Really take the time out and think what do I want people to get out of this. Purpose is not just for YOU but its for others.
The Picture is Always Bigger Than You!
Some of us may be thinking I don't know what my purpose is, or I don't know what God is saying for me this year. That's ok, we do not need to know everything. Philippians 4:6-7 talks about ( paraphrase) not worrying but give it to God and leave it and he will give you peace and everything will fall into place in due time. Trust me it can be annoying and frustrating when you want to know what your calling is but seem to keep drawing a blank or not knowing where to start. I know for me I am still trying to figure things out. One thing I’ve decided to do is to continue to walk with God, continue to ask Him what is it that he wants me to do, seek his word concerning purpose and what He said about me already, and lastly think about what I’m good at and passionate about.
“God is Always speaking to us. It’s up to us to hear what he is saying. “
I truly believe that your purpose is wrapped up in what your passionate about and good at. There may be some things that you didn’t know you were good at that God will reveal to you and use along with your purpose. God is not the author of confusion so whatever he has purposes for us to do I know he will equip us with the right tools and knowledge.
NOW WHAT!!! So what are we going to do? How are we going to be intentional? Something that has worked for me is
•Getting my alone time with God. Set apart time just for you and God. Alone time is crucial in this season of being intentional....Talk to God no like legit talk to him like “ Hey Dad I really need you to give me guidance, revelation. I don’t know what I’m doing and I don’t want to go outside your will and plans for my life...etc” the more you communicate with God the more you will hear God and even see things that you didn’t see before!.
• Journal and write down what the Lord is telling you. This way you can go back and look at what The Lord has or is doing currently. I like to journal to get my thoughts out. Things that I can’t tell people I write down. You can’t tell everyone what the Lord is doing or what he said ( there are some analytical people, and doubters who will kill your vibe because you even start)
• Pray! This is a given i don’t think I need to really go into depth on this. But one thing I will say is Pray before you do anything. It may sound like a good plan or idea but make sure that is what God wants you to do.
• Accountability: here we go again with this being accountable. Have someone who you know will make sure you are staying on track and not getting distracted!
• Stay encouraged & Be Consistent trust and believe you will be tested and tried! But keep encouraging yourself. When the people who you thought would support or be there by your side through the process aren’t “available”, don’t let that stop you. Look at the end goal. Stay consistent and do not overwhelm yourself. I’m currently reading this book by Rebecca Lyons called Rhythms & Renewal and there is a quote that stood out to me and it says “ I wanted to encourage people online from an overflow, not post out of pressure to keep up, like the old days. Something clicked as I reflected, saying to myself, If you lose your voice, be quiet a while. It’ll come back.”
You do not need to feel pressure to keep up with others. Work at your own speed and pace and keep your head above water. If need be take a social media fast. Focus on what is before you and let that be your main priority.
Welp, Before I let you guys go I just want to tell you guys that you guys are capable of achieving your purpose, passions, gifts and talents! Do not let people with small minds and no vision come in and taint your vision and not just your vision but Gods divine Purpose for your life. Tune the world out and Tune in your the Holy Spirit!
I know God has something HUGE in stored for you! Keep him first and in mind! I love you guys soo much!
Xoxo. Z.M.