Is there something the Lord has put on your heart to share, but you are afraid/ doubtful to share because you are not sure how the person will receive it? You want to start being bold and confident but don’t know how or where to start? Let me tell you, you are not alone and we will walk through this together and come out BOLD, FIRECE, & CONFIDENT!!
Now being bold doesn’t mean your LOUD, OBNOXIOUS & in someone’s face. Being bold is being confident, standing your ground and not being easily shaken or moved. Being bold comes with backlash as well. Depends on what you’re speaking on. You can be a soft spoken person and introverted but when you see or hear something that you know is not right or doesn’t sit well with you, it stirs something within you & it’s hard to not say something, next thing you know your mouth is open and words are coming out.
I’ve been there. I’m that person who does not like confrontation and tried to avoid conflict at all cost. I don’t know if it’s because I am getting older and have become wiser in certain areas, but there are things I cannot turn a deaf ear to, I have to say something. This actually happened recently with a friend who was making choices that I did not feel was best, especially as a Christian. We had a good conversation where we both spoke and said our peace. Unfortunately it was more of a agree to disagree moment but I was just happy that I did not just sit there and not say something when the Bible tells us to not let our brother and sisters stray away from the truth.
Jeremiah 1:5; Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
WHERE IS THE OUTREACH? We are called to share the good news, to be examples, to compel people to Christ, pray, be obedient, love and save souls! The enemy wants to keep us discouraged ,fearful, intimidated, doubtful etc. God is with you and He will give you the right words to say.
When I first started to blog I was excited, anxious and nervous but more so anxious can you guess why? I was afraid of being judged or having people from my B.C days reading my posts and try to stir up conflict…. you know find fault and flaws ( goes hand in hand with judgment). It took me some time to really let my guard down and start being transparent regardless of who may come across the post. Most people who knew me in my B.C days would never think or believe that the young lady behind these posts would be me. Only if y’all knew the mess I was into ( we shall save that for another blog 😉). However, The was the Lords doing, He gave me this vision. I’ve always had a creative mind and enjoyed writing and I wanted to use my voice to reach souls but I am better with expressing myself through writing instead vocally, this way I could process everything and be able to express myself without having to feel that I need to give an answer right away on the spot. Am I the only one like that?
“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”Joshua 1:9 KJV
I have always had a heart for people and wanted to see people grow and flourish in life, but with that comes being vocal and having to say things your not comfortable saying. You may even feel like “who am I, to speak about that?” because of your past and even current lifestyle. But if God is telling you to say something SAY IT!!!!
Everyone of us is called to God’s mission to save lost people from a Christ-less eternity. Whether it is around the world or across the street, there are people who need to be witnessed to – people who need to hear the Word of God.
Everyday we see people speak up for what they believe in whether it be about same sex marriage, BLM, freedom of speech, sex trafficking , injustice, politics, and the list goes on. They have no conviction they don’t care if you agree or disagree they are going to stand on their beliefs and that’s THAT... END OF DISCUSSION! So why is it so hard for the body of Christ to stand on the word of God (also known as the WORD OF TRUTH) and not let the opinions of others and “culture” have us second guess our beliefs and have us doubt? It’s like that saying you stand for nothing you fall for anything.
Disclaimer: Not everyone is going to agree with you. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow. We want everyone to like us and accept us and agree but sorry it ain’t gon happen capt’n.... we are living in a time where people have itching ears ( meaning they don’t want to hear the truth,they only want to hear and accept whatever tickles their fancy and approves their lifestyle) .
We live in a time where minds are seared with a hot iron and are stuck in their ways and see no wrong in their behavior or actions. A lot of us are looking to the world for answers and not The word of God. Since the world seems to ok everything we feel like that’s a green light to do our dirt. Yeah well I’m sorry but if you keep following the world you will surely open your eyes in hell.
But I’m not Perfect!
You do not have to be perfect to be bold. You don’t have to know every scripture. You just need to be a willing vessel, obedient, Loving and seeking God daily. We are imperfect people who strive to be perfect like our creator. God used Balaams donkey to speak to him in The Book of Numbers. Don’t allow a donkey to be bolder than you. We all have flaws and are imperfect people but God can and will use us for his kingdom if we allow him and submit.
A few people in the Bible who were imperfect but God still used : Abraham- He was shakey in his faith when it came to believing for a child. God spoke and said that he and his wife were to have a child( even in their old age) he and his wife did not have faith that it would happen. Abraham’s wife even laughed, and they went about conceiving a child in the wrong way ( read for yourself Genesis 16:3-6) however God was faithful and kept his word and gave them their son Issac.
Samson- He was hard headed and arrogant but the Lord still gave him power through the Holy Spirit.
Peter: denied Jesus 3 times, but later he was restored and used to do mighty things. But he did miracles and preached.
David: How can we forget about him. Where do i begin? He committed adultery, murder and he had deceit in his heart. He was still considered a man after Gods own heart. ( You can read more about David in 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, Psalms). He was in no way shape or form perfect but God used him MIGHTILY!!!!!
There is no such thing as being too small God sees you.
What does being BOLD look like?
I encourage you to read the story about 3 men who go by the names of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego ,who refused to bow down and worship a golden statue. There is a story in The Book of Daniel where King Nebuchadnezzar ordered everyone to bow and worship a golden statue that The King had set up. However because of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stance and faith and respect for God they did not follow everyone else who followed the orders from the king.
Daniel 3:16-18
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”
Long story short, The king was offended that these men would not bow down and worship him, The king tried to intimate them and question them as to why they won’t do as he commanded, but because these men knew who the REAL creator was and that are not to bow to any other God. So because they would not budge and stood their ground he threw them in the fire.
The plot twist of the story is that they did not burn and a fourth man appeared in the furnace with them. God was that fourth man. Instead of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego burning up in the furnace, the men who threw them in there burned. That goes to show that when God is faithful and with you in everything. He will show himself mighty and will protect you even in the midst of chaos. So put your trust in Him and lean on him.
They knew that there would be severe consequences to their disobedience to the King but because they feared, honored and referenced the one and only true King God himself , they stood their ground, were not shaken and told the king that they will not bow down to his graven image.
We need to be just as bold as them. Even if our life or freedom is on the line ( I know that sounds crazy to some but it’s true). You don’t have to be bold with just your words but even with your actions. You know that saying “actions speak louder than words”
So, what are you going to be bold about? What has God been pressing in your spirit to be confident in and not shaken? Whatever it is, walk in authority, don’t be afraid and let God use you. There are people waiting for your obedience.