What is your purpose? How many of us are still trying to figure out what it is we've been called to do? I know I am not the only one who has early pulled hair out trying to figure it out. Discovering your purpose can be the most frustrating thing . We hear about discovering your purpose, how important it is and when we are uncertain about our purpose it seems like your just wasting time and missing opportunities to be used.

“you don’t find your purpose you discover it”

We do not determine the seasons of life although we can respond to them appropriately with wisdom. The events of life are ultimately ordered by a compassionate, gracious, loving and faithful God whose sovereignty is the foundation. His plans do no depend on our approval. God is going to do what He wants to do. PERIOD! I’ve been that person who has tried to direct my path and make things work the way that I wanted them to work. I thought I could change Gods mind on certain things in my life. Boy was I wrong.

Proverbs 19:21; Many plans are in a mans mind, But it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand (be carried out).

You have to go through the process to get to the promise!

We must not become weary. You are going to go through a purifying and stripping period, where God will need to cleanse you and work on you so when you walk into your purpose you will have more of him and less of yourself. I know for me I had a lot of doubt about who I am, the impact I could have on others. I did not think that i was worthy honestly. But during the process you will learn a lot about yourself flaws and all. The journey to your purpose will bring revelation and open your eyes to the hidden things.

Romans 8:28; And we know ( with great confidence) that God ( who is deeply concerned about us) causes all things to work together( as a plan) for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his plan and purpose.

One thing I have learned and has stayed with me concerning purpose is you discover your purpose when you serve. Serving helps you see what you enjoy, where your gifts are, your heart, and simply what your good at. Since I can only speak about myself I will use myself as an example. I say this with all humility I love helping, I am a giver, I will go out of my way to help someone in need, I enjoy seeing others happy, and even encouraging/uplifting other women . Therefore my purpose is to do outreach whatever that may look like to you. To me outreach is what I’m currently doing blogging, praying for people or with people, speaking life, strength, encouragement, Purpose,into people that I come in contact with. I could be having a conversation with a friend and she can be going through a rough time I’ll be the ear he/she needs but if the Lord tells me share something with him/her I’ll be His voice piece.

Your purpose is not just for people you know. Your purpose is for those you do not know as well. Your going to be uncomfortable at times while in your purpose. Purpose is not about being comfortable it’s about being obedient. I am continually learning this daily. You will be asked to do things that You may not feel your equipped to do, don’t worry about it if God told you to do it he will equip you to execute in excellence.


The times that we are currently living in it’s crucial that the word of God continues to reach souls and that we are uplifting one another. There is so much distraction, uncertainty, confusion, and fear. People are struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts,are in abusive households, have stopped going to church and their walk has become shaky. Some are starting to conform to the world and go after the lust of their flesh and others need life spoken to their dead situation, that’s where Purpose comes in.

Daily we should be thinking What can you do to push your brother and sister forward into the kingdom? Do they need prayer? Do they need someone to talk to? Be that person for your brother and sister. Ask the Lord how can you be used. If you think about it we have nothing but time these days, so why not use the time to find your purpose and walk in it.

God is pleased when we discover our purpose and get busy doing it. God is only committed to His Purpose and not our plans. Whatever God calls for he provides for. Whatever you were born to do, it’s already been paid for (Save Souls/ Salvation.)

I wholeheartedly feel like the season that we are in right now is a time for our Purpose to be birthed. There is so much going on that we should be seeking God for what he wants us to do. I know he wants us to continue to be faithful, obedient, loving, compassionate, forgiving, gentle, meek, honest, steadfast and the list goes on.

How to discover purpose?

Let’s start off with this question. Do you know what Purpose is? really think about it. Dr. Myles Munroe said it best, he said Purpose is 1) The Original intent for a thing. 2) The reason why a thing was made. 3) The cause for creation. 4) The cause for creation. Purpose is the source of DESTINY.

1) You must obey God. ( Psalm 18:44)

2) You have to involve the Spirit of God. God will never give you an assignment where he is not involved. (2 Corinthians 3:5)

3) Be around those who will help birth your purpose. Those that will speak to it and will help you get to where God wants you. Stay away from people who will try to talk you out of your purpose. “ show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”. ( Galatians 5:13)

I just want to mention that your purpose does not have to be just for the church. God has called us to go out into the world and do His will. So if you have a passion for fashion cool, you can start a fashion line that is centered around Christ or Christ is apart of the vision for the business. , do clothing drives where you help the less fortunate, if you have a passion for cutting hair you can still be used while cutting hair to minister to one of your clients, maybe you have a passion to cook open up that restaurant, feed the homeless, cook for those who are sick and shut in, us your gifts to to spread the love of God, the word of God and pour into people what God has poured into you. Pursue Purpose and lets transform lives together as the body of Christ.

Love you all,



I Surrender… I Just Want Gods’ Best!


Tested, Tried, & True