Devotional: Motivation Monday
Let’s Start Fresh
Proverbs 18:21” Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits”.
I’ve always looked at Mondays as the hardest day of the week. I would always start to feel the Monday blues on Sunday night, as I prepared for the work week. The feeling of dread, worry, stress, just the thoughts of what the week entailed was so overwhelming. It wasn’t every week that I felt these emotions but it happend often. Waking up Monday mornings were always a struggle and I would contemplate on whether or not I really needed a job ( i know I’m not alone).
But as I got older I started to look at things different. I started to realize that I have power to speak life into my days. I don’t need to adapt the mindset of those around me and join in with the debby downers. I needed a change in my life because being negative brings on bitterness, hate, murmuring, complaining and God hates that.
So today set the tone for your week, pray daily and throughout your week, give no room for negative speech to creep in. You may have those co-workers, family members, friends ect, who all they do is complain or are always looking for a reason to be negative. You are to be the salt and light of the earth. Don’t lose your savor by allowing your words and thoughts to become tainted.
Proverbs 18: 7 “ A fools mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.”
You may feel how they feel and see what they see but not everything deserve a response. When you feel those emotions rise up and you want to speak on how you feel take it to God. Remember What you say you will have, so be mindful of what you allow to leave your lips. What we speak is in our hearts( good or bad).
Matthew 15:18 “ But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man
Pray about it and let God take care of it.
When you wake up in the morning the first thing you should have coming off your lips are praises unto God. Let him know you love him, thank him, and start declaring your day , set the tone and mood for how your day will be. It’s life changing. When your intentional about putting God first and starting the day with Him he will direct you and align your day.
Let your Monday be filled with the peace , joy, strength and love of God. Start your day in Gods presence and what how your life transform.
I love you guys