Devotional: Let’s Be Vulnerable
I have struggled the majority of my life with being vulnerable. My problem is that I never wanted people to see me as “weak”, having shame, being flawed, but more so being judged & rejected. I wanted people to think that I had everything put together, which was and is furthest from the truth. I learned that not being vulnerable is not being humble but is a form of pride and we know that pride comes before destruction. ( Proverbs 16:18). You are probably thinking how is not being vulnerable prideful? When we don’t admit our sin or acknowledge that we need help and can’t do this without God it is prideful and it’s a stumbling block. Matthew 5:3 says; Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The poor in spirit are those who are aware that there are areas in their spiritual life that they lack and that they need God.
Galatians 6:2 speaks on us bearing one another’s burdens. If you’re like me you rather not burden others with your problems and struggles, you rather keep them to yourself. However, throughout my walk with Christ I am constantly reminded about community and the importance of having a community to lean on. Community is there to guide, strengthen, walk beside you, encourage, and push you to the greatness that resides in you for the Kingdom of God. We are not supposed to do life alone but with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
When being vulnerable we are showing our true authentic self and sometimes I feel that because we are Christians we want to look the part, dress the part, and sound the part, but we have to remember that we are not perfect. Our weaknesses & struggles throughout life just shows us how much more of God we need on a daily. If we had everything put together and were “perfect” we would not need God. I feel like when we show that we have moments of weakness it
1) Strengthens our relationship with Christ because we have to depend and lean on Christ to help us, and
2)Use those moments as a witnessing tool/ testimony to others that are struggling as well to show them they are not alone, and encourage them on how they can get through the challenges that they face.
We were born in sin and shaped in iniquity ( Psalm 51:5)
In order to grow that intimacy with Christ we need to be humble and seek him. Psalm 40:12 is a great depiction of David's vulnerability to God. He was ashamed of things he had done and if you know David’s story then you know what I’m talking about. David’s story is encouraging because, through his weaknesses and not-so-bright moments, he still knew that he could go to God and be vulnerable. God still used him and he was known as a man after God’s own heart.
It’s easier for me to be vulnerable with God than it is to go to a person. Personally, because I know that God will love me regardless and his love is unconditional it gives me a sense of peace and reassurance.
Being vulnerable is very uncomfortable but I want to encourage you to take that step and reach out to that trusted friend who you know will give you sound advice, listen, and won’t go around spreading your business ( because let’s be honest you can’t tell everyone your business, even church folk). When you learn to lean on others and more important God and his Word, watch your intimacy with Christ grow and your outlook on life change.
xoxox…. Z.M
Psalm 40, Psalm 51:5, Galatians 6:2 , Matthew 5:3